So, I ask of all of you, give me the tired - I will retrain endurance. Give me the old - I will keep your dog youthful, and renew energy. Give me the weak - I will retrain neuromuscular pathways to increase strength and tone. I will help all those dogs whose vets are frustrated because they don't know what to do with them. I will take the dogs with torn cruciate ligaments but they can't have surgery. I will take the ancient dog whose arthritis is so severe and who can't handle pain meds. I will take the paralyzed dog who was told he would never walk again. When it seems you are out of options- I will be that last option before having to make a life or death decision.
When choices are limited, money is limited ("physical rehabilitation is a conservative dollar well spent" I was taught!) and hope is limited, call me. No, not every paralyzed dachsund will walk again, but is there any harm in trying? What if there is a small chance? Would you be willing to give it a shot? How committed to your pet are you really?
For years, the question I have sought the answer to is "Do you want THIS dog, or do you want A dog?" The answer is a degree of committment.