Your dog might be suffering from a chronic disease. A deadly, painful, expensive to care for disease. This disease will cost you. Big time. It will cost you in many ways, and it will cost your dog too. Your dog may already have it. Your friend's dog may have it. It's all around us and most people don't realize it.
This deadly disease will rob you of 2 years of friendship with your dog. That's 2 birthdays, more than 20 major holidays, and 104 weekends spent alone, without your best friend. That's 730 days, and 730 nights, those lonely nights, with nothing but your memories. And some of those memories will be tainted. They will be tainted with the pain of knowing you could have done something to help prevent this from happening. And the guilt of knowing your fur baby was in pain and you could have helped stop it from happening in the first place. If only you had known. If only.
This disease will cost you before that too. It will cost you in the last weeks, months, or even years of your dog's life that will be filled with medical tests, being poked with needles, countless medications, and time spent with the vet instead of with you. There will be pain and suffering. Your dog will experience it physically. You will experience it emotionally, and financially. Oh yes, this disease will cost you. Multiple studies have confirmed this.
Would you like to know what disease I am talking about? Obesity.
The number one nutritional disease seen in the U.S. is now overnutrition.
Now that I've got your attention, stay tuned for more information in the coming blogs. We will discuss what causes this disease, who gets it, how to identify it in the early stages, what we can do to prevent it , how to treat it, why its happening, and more.
This deadly disease will rob you of 2 years of friendship with your dog. That's 2 birthdays, more than 20 major holidays, and 104 weekends spent alone, without your best friend. That's 730 days, and 730 nights, those lonely nights, with nothing but your memories. And some of those memories will be tainted. They will be tainted with the pain of knowing you could have done something to help prevent this from happening. And the guilt of knowing your fur baby was in pain and you could have helped stop it from happening in the first place. If only you had known. If only.
This disease will cost you before that too. It will cost you in the last weeks, months, or even years of your dog's life that will be filled with medical tests, being poked with needles, countless medications, and time spent with the vet instead of with you. There will be pain and suffering. Your dog will experience it physically. You will experience it emotionally, and financially. Oh yes, this disease will cost you. Multiple studies have confirmed this.
Would you like to know what disease I am talking about? Obesity.
The number one nutritional disease seen in the U.S. is now overnutrition.
Now that I've got your attention, stay tuned for more information in the coming blogs. We will discuss what causes this disease, who gets it, how to identify it in the early stages, what we can do to prevent it , how to treat it, why its happening, and more.